The Babies Are Here!

March 25, 2023

Once again, it’s taken me awhile to update. Our first baby goats of the 2023 kidding season were born March 8th. Lilly’s ultrasound showed 2 babies, but she had a little runt hiding in there, so we ended up with 3. Little Wyatt, as he would later be named, is the smallest goat born on our farm. He weighed in at 1lb 2oz. He couldn’t stand for the first 24 hours and did not have much of a suck reflex, so we had to milk Lilly and syringe feed him. By the time he was strong enough to stand and nurse on his own, mom didn’t want him anymore. He became our first bottle baby. The first couple nights were rough, but it got easier pretty quickly. He has now more than doubled in size and is doing better at keeping up with his brother and sister. Both of the boys have blue eyes, and the little girl has gold/brown eyes. Wyatt was the first one born, and he was breach. The little girl, Sadie, was next in line, followed by her brother, Cooper. They are so much fun to watch run and jump around!

We also hatched our first batch of chicks in our new incubator! We started with 22 eggs. Out of those 22, 21 ended up being fertile. Out of the 21 fertile eggs, we hatched 20. They are the cutest little fluff balls! We are looking forward to watching them grown and seeing what color eggs they lay in the fall. We may start another batch of chicks in the next week or so. We’ll see.

Our tiniest little baby goat, Wyatt!
Our newest chicks

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