It’s Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day! I love holidays. Any holiday that we can actually do something to celebrate. Last night before bed I hung up heart garland and set out the kids Valentine’s Day surprises. I set my alarm for early this morning, so that I could make homemade pink chocolate chip muffins before they woke up. I love seeing the kids so excited. This year the kids wanted to get each other gifts and wrap them themselves. They each picked out what they wanted to give the other, and I gave them a quick lesson on wrapping. They actually turned out really good! I should have taken a picture of them! The kids had a two-hour delay for school this morning due to the dusting of snow we got yesterday. This gave plenty of time for gift giving and playing. Needless to say, it’s been a great day so far.

Fast forward to this afternoon…. We have been waiting for WEEKS to have a large, dying maple tree taken down. The weather kept pushing the date back. Our plan is to build a small barn, but this tree needed to come down before we could get started on it. Well, FINALLY today they were able to take the tree down. This means we are one step closer to being able to start on the barn. We initially thought we had more time for this build. Turns out, two of our goats are pregnant, so we are on a time crunch to build their kidding stalls. We could make do in the current shelter that we have, but it’s not the most ideal.

We have so many projects that need to get done here before our opening day. It stresses me out when I think about it. It’s been really difficult to get contractors out, because everyone is so busy. And the cost of things now?! OUCH! The worst has been the cement work we need. I’m starting to feel like it’s never going to be completed. We had one contractor start on our sidewalks and patio, but then quit part-way through. He lost help and the cost of materials went up, so he would no longer honor the price. The last contractor quoted a price, but within two weeks said material costs had gone up, and he had to charge $1000 more for the job. We just can’t catch a break here, and it’s super frustrating. This is why on days like today, when we see progress, it’s so exciting!

It’s Valentine’s Day!

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