It’s Our Anniversary!

April 2, 2023

We have officially made it through our first year! What a year it’s been! We have learned so much and tackled so many projects here on the farm. There are still quite a few projects left, but I think we’ll always have something we’d like to do or change. We also have some new faces here compared to this time last year with a few more due in May. I feel proud of what we have accomplished over the last year, and I look forward to what’s planned for the next year. We still have a lot to learn, but as farm life throws us curveballs, it also teaches us lessons. My hope for the next year is that our animals stay happy and healthy and that we continue to be able to spread a little joy. A sincere thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last year! Whether it was a visit, a purchase of our eggs or homemade soap, or just encouraging words, it all means so much. We are truly grateful for you all and hope to see you sometime this year!

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