We’re Back!

February 16, 2023

Well, so many things took priority over keeping up with the journal entries. One of which was working for MONTHS on getting this website up and running. I am not very computer literate, so to say that this was a challenge is an understatement. There are still things that are not exactly the way I’d like them to be, but it’s getting closer. Each night I try to figure out how to fix something else that’s not right on the site. It can be very frustrating, but so rewarding when I finally figure it out.

So what’s been going on since the last entry? Well, we have some new animals…pigs, more goats, more goat babies, rabbits…..and our first buck, Preston! Our doe, Lilly, is due with twins in a few weeks on March 7th. Ironically, that was the same date that our two pregnant does were due last year. This will be Lilly’s first babies, so we’ll see if they come on time, early, or late. My guess is that they’ll be here sometime between the 6th and the 9th, but we’ll see. We had our farm vet out recently to ultrasound two other does, and while she was here we had her re-ultrasound Lily to make sure everyone looked ok. She said the babies were gigantic! Eesh! Hopefully her delivery goes smoothly. These will be the first babies bred on our farm, so this is really exciting for us. Most of our babies have been a surprise, so it’s nice to be prepared from the beginning this time. We have two more does due in May, so spring is going to be so much fun with all these bouncing babies!

We have also been working on a project behind the scenes that we are pretty excited about. It’s taking a lot longer than we hoped, but eventually we’ll get it done. Hopefully before we get too busy in the spring. More on what that project is later…..

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