Ferdinand Has Made Such a Great Addition to Our Little Farm!

Ferdinand Has Made Such a Great Addition to Our Little Farm!

Ferdinand has made such a great addition to our little farm! We were concerned that Molly might be upset, but they quickly became best buddies! Where one goes, the other follows. It’s absolutely adorable! His leg still seems a bit tender and weak, so we started him on some pain/anti-inflammatory meds. We are hoping he starts to feel a little more comfortable soon. It’s also quite possible that his leg needs some time to adjust to his new ability to be able to run. I’m sure his muscles need time to adapt. You can tell that he wants to run and do the happy cow(bull) back leg kick, but his legs won’t quite let him get there. The goats are already starting to adjust to him being around. They are less quick to run away when he comes around, and they are happy to eat leaves right along-side him. He seems more comfortable now, too. It’s only his second full day here, but he is already hanging out close to everyone (humans included). As long as Molly is around, he seems to feel secure. It appears that this is going to be such a positive experience all around. It’s been perfect so far! The family who rescued him is AMAZING! We feel so lucky to have met them and so grateful that they chose us to take care of this little boy. We not only gained a sweet bull-calf on our farm, but we gained friends with our same love of animals at the same time. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Ferdinand Has Made Such a Great Addition to Our Little Farm!

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