RIP, Sweet Girl

February 28, 2023

Today was a tough one. We lost our Holland Lop bunny, Olivia. It was very sudden, and we are heartbroken. Last night she was playing and eating like normal. This morning, she was bleeding and lethargic. I immediately rushed her to the vet. They found no visible wounds, and were going to start her on antibiotics to help with what they initially thought might be a urinary tract infection. I was supposed to pick her up around 12:30. Within two hours of dropping her off, I received the call that she had passed. I still can’t believe it. They now think she had uterine cancer, because of how quickly she declined. I know people say that death is just a part of farm life, but these animals are pets to us. Losing one hurts badly. I don’t think it will ever get easier to lose a pet. I know at some point soon we’ll get a new buddy for Oliver, so that he’s not alone, but for now we’re just mourning our girl.

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