I Feel Like So Much Has Been Going On Lately!

March 12, 2022

I feel like SO much has been going on lately!  It’s hard to keep up with journaling it all.  We FINALLY had our sidewalks poured yesterday!  After MONTHS of waiting!  We are so happy to finally have that done!  Tomorrow we can walk on them.  It snowed all day today after we were in short-sleeves yesterday.  Hopefully everything will be fine with the concrete after the crazy weather change.  We were supposed to have our doors and kitchen window replaced, so that we can start moving forward with our kitchen renovation.  Due to the weather, this didn’t happen.  This is another project that feels like it’s never going to get finished.  I have been waiting YEARS for this kitchen renovation.  We purchased our cabinets back in December and the appliances in January.  The cabinets arrived to the company we ordered them from, and they are just waiting on us to give them the word to deliver them.  It’s been really tough getting contrators.  Everyone is so busy.  One day it will all get done.  One day…..

Now the really big news!  A few days ago I had someone reach out about booking a cuddle session today.  Since we don’t officially open until April 2nd, today wasn’t showing as available.  I happily agreed to accept the booking letting them know that we weren’t finished with all of the things we hope to have done by the official opening day.  Unbeknownst to me, when I accepted the one booking, it opened up that hour to the public.  It wasn’t long after the first booking that another booking came through, then another!  I honestly couldn’t believe it!  When starting this venture, part of me wondered if anyone would actually even want to come.  I mean, we aren’t this huge elaborate farm.  We have since gotten 6 more bookings after the three groups who visited today.  I can’t tell you how grateful I feel.  I’m so beyond excited to share our animals with everyone!  I was nervous about how things might go today.  The weather was rough, and we weren’t completely ready.  Each of the three groups that came today were so amazing though!  I felt so energized after their visits.  They were all so kind and so much fun!  It felt like meeting new groups of friends.  My heart was so full watching people get so much joy out of cuddling with our animals.  They reinforced that our dream wasn’t crazy, and that we are accomplishing exactly what we hoped to…bringing a little joy to people through loving on our fur babies.  I’ll be going to bed with a big smile on my face tonight. 😊

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