RIP, Sweet Girl

February 28, 2023 Today was a tough one. We lost our Holland Lop bunny, Olivia. It was very sudden, and we are heartbroken. Last night she was playing and eating like normal. This morning, she was bleeding and lethargic. I immediately rushed her to the vet. They found no visible wounds, and were going to…

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It’s Not Always Rainbows & Unicorns

February 18, 2023 Yesterday afternoon/evening it was pretty rough here on the farm. Our rescue steer, Ferdinand, was visibly in a lot of pain. We had no idea what was going on, but suspected constipation, since he had not pooped at all that day. We had conversations with our farm vet throughout the evening and…

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We’re Back!

February 16, 2023 Well, so many things took priority over keeping up with the journal entries. One of which was working for MONTHS on getting this website up and running. I am not very computer literate, so to say that this was a challenge is an understatement. There are still things that are not exactly…

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