I Feel Like So Much Has Been Going On Lately!

March 12, 2022 I feel like SO much has been going on lately!  It’s hard to keep up with journaling it all.  We FINALLY had our sidewalks poured yesterday!  After MONTHS of waiting!  We are so happy to finally have that done!  Tomorrow we can walk on them.  It snowed all day today after we…

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March 9, 2022

Holy Moly what a few days! Goldie had her babies on Sunday, March 6th. They share a birthday with our cat, Snowball! She was due the next day with twins, but she surprised us with triplets! I thought she was delivering the placenta when another baby popped out! I couldn’t believe it! This little girl…

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I’ve been a slacker!

March 5, 2022 I have been a slacker when it comes to keeping up with the updates.  Gabe and I have been so busy trying to get this barn built before babies come!  By the time we come back inside, we are exhausted and just want a shower and bed.  It’s under roof now, but…

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